CEE staff to present energy efficiency findings at ACEEE Summer Study

Aug 10, 2022
image of coastline of Pacific Grove, CA

This year, the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings will return to its usual in-person location at the Asilomar Conference Grounds near Monterey, CA.

Many CEE researchers and program developers will be in attendance to join professionals from around the world in brainstorms how to best decarbonize buildings, boost their efficiency, and advance equity. With rising energy prices and mounting climate crises, this year’s theme — “Climate Solutions: Efficiency, 股本, and Decarbonization” — is more pressing than ever.

CEE staff will present multiple papers at the Summer Study on topics spanning advances in air source heat pump technology, energy efficiency in affordable rental housing, 新 Minnesota Efficiency Technology Accelerator, and more.

CEE presentations include:

Dave Bohac, senior director of research, will present on a paper that he co-authored entitled “Aerosol Sealing of Existing Residences.” The presentation will showcase the results of a new approach to seal leaks from the attic that can be performed in occupied residences. 

Carl Nelson, senior director of program development, will lead “How the Minnesota Efficient Technology Accelerator Will Advance Market Transformation.” This presentation will introduce Minnesota's new statewide market transformation program, which will launch in 2023. Attendees will learn about the program's key goals and initial portfolio of technologies.

Sarah Northrup, workforce program manager, will share thoughts informed by her work on evolving the energy efficiency workforce. Catch her presentation “股本 Focused Minnesota Workforce Development Program" (video).

Rebeca Olson, senior director of residential and community energy, will present “Energy Efficiency to Preserve Affordable Rental Housing in Minnesota" (video), to highlight details, innovations, successes and challenges of this CEE-led residential energy program.

Josh Quinnell, senior research scientist, will explain why improving single-family building envelope performance is still the most important measure for electrification and decarbonization in Minnesota’s built environment. His presentation is titled “It’s All 靠谱的外围竞猜app the Envelope, Silly" (video).

Ben Schoenbauer, assistant director of research, will discuss results on the best applications energy savings, cost considerations, and performance of ASHP systems deployed as direct AC replacements in his presentation “Why We Should Never Install Another Air Conditioner!”

Ranal Tudawe, research analyst, will lead the presentation “Electric Utility Rates are Critical to Broad Space Heating Electrification" (video), which will cover how electric rates can be the key to unlocking equitable costs, 排放, and energy savings through the use of air source heat pumps.

Related Links

Dave Bohac bio

Carl Nelson bio

Sarah Northrup bio

Rebecca Olson bio

Josh Quinnell bio

Ben Schoenbauer bio

Ranal Tudawe bio

MN Efficient Technology Accelerator

ACEEE 2022 Summer Study