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ACEEE 2022夏季建筑能效研究  

CEE staff will present multiple papers at the 2022 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 太平洋格罗夫,加利福尼亚州from August 21–26, hosted by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). This year’s conference is dedicated to “Climate Solutions: Efficiency, 股本, and Decarbonization.” The theme is an urgent one: buildings account for about a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions and will play a critical role in decarbonizing the economy and creating a clean energy future. CEE’s presentations will span advances in 空气源热泵 technology, 经济适用租赁住房的足球外围app哪个靠谱, 新 明尼苏达效率技术加速器, 和更多的. CEE演讲者将包括:

  • Ranal Tudawe, 研究分析师, “Electric Utility Rates are Critical to Broad Space Heating Electrification”
  • Ben Schoenbauer, Senior Research Engineer, “Why We Should Never Install Another Air Conditioner!”
  • Josh Quinnell, Senior Research Engineer, "It's All 靠谱的外围竞猜app the Envelope, Silly"
  • 丽贝卡·奥尔森, 住宅和社区能源高级总监, “Energy Efficiency to Preserve Affordable Rental Housing in Minnesota”
  • Sarah Northrup, Workforce Program Manager, “股本 Focused Minnesota Workforce Development Program”
  • 卡尔·纳尔逊, 项目开发高级总监, “How the Minnesota Efficiency Technology Accelerator Will Advance 市场转型”




交流更换安装背景: Manufacturers are adapting to challenges in the adoption of 空气源热泵 (ASHP) systems by developing new equipment to better integrate with existing systems rather than replace them. This study will use characterization and modeling efforts to examine an emerging market product category of interest to manufacturers: ASHPs sold as central air conditioning (CAC) replacements.

更新: This project is reaching its final stages and will be presented in a CARD webinar on August 4. In addition to conversations with installation contractors, 设备经销商, 和制造商, input from consumers looking to replace their CACs has informed an assessment of the current opportunities and barriers posed. By exploring different ASHP system archetypes (representing lowest to highest efficiency) and homeowner variables such as existing furnace and CACs, 天气, 还有电力和天然气的成本, the research team found that there is an effective heat pump system available for almost every scenario. 进一步, the flexibility of dual fuel applications supports the ability of heat pump systems to meet the user’s objective, 包括成本, 环境, and comfort sensibilities — all factors that impact consumer decisions when replacing their current CAC system.



This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗. 


以太网供电背景: Power over Ethernet (PoE) devices are now being integrated across more building systems covering lighting, 插电负荷, and HVAC controls as a tool to improve buildings’ energy efficiency. PoE设备连接到网络交换机, which provide an energy management capability where building automation systems are not in place. 通过网络交换机的使用, the project team will examine how PoE can power and control lighting, 插电负荷, 和暖通空调,以节省能源.

更新: 今年春天, the project team presented on this topic in a webinar hosted by the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program. 到目前为止, their findings indicate that PoE systems have the potential to be more efficient than AC systems to manage building energy systems. Most end uses in offices are electronic devices that are natively low-voltage DC, 如LED灯和直流电源, which makes PoE an optimal management system as there is less need to convert between AC and DC. 虽然交流供电的网络系统也有待机模式, the nature of PoE systems allow users to monitor energy loads in a way that can’t be accomplished by an AC system.



This project is supported by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Commerce, Division of Energy Resources through the Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) program, 是由明尼苏达州纳税人资助的吗

Variable Capacity Heat Pump Product Assessment and Analysis

空气源热泵Background: 西北能效联盟 (NEEA) enlisted CEE to conduct research on the centrally ducted variable capacity heat pump (VCHP) market. To evaluate the different VCHP products and their key performance features like coefficient of performance, 项目团队开发了具有代表性的原型. A robust VCHP modeling tool was then created to compare these archetypes and gain a better understanding of the impact these key performance features have on annual energy usage and peak load.

更新: NEEA published the final report for this project and made it available for download on their website. The report describes the heat pump archetypes and outlines the energy consumption impacts of short cycling, 分级, 除霜, 风管密封. The report also compares the levelized lifecycle cost of heating and cooling across the heat pump archetypes. The modeling tool enables users to compare the different heat pump archetypes and understand what performance metrics, 属性, and equipment features lead to better heat pump performance and the lowest levelized cost of ownership for homeowners.
